Aug 29Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

There comes a time when enough is enough and you are ready to pursue your dream.You are ready now. The evidences is there in your happiness, connection to nature and the love of your family. Cherish this time and you will bloom naturally. It’s a journey to joy. A courageous and essential step into your true self and purpose 🦋

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Thank you for the encouraging words, Kate. 😊 I’m trying really hard, but it’s tough. 🧡

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Aug 3Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

I love the support that your husband gives. It’s so beautiful and a testament of your love. Congratulations. I know this was back in May, but this is my first time coming across all this inspiration and hope. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you. He’s my rock. Thanks so much for being here. 🧡

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Im doing what you're doing, only I don't have a husband or even friends or anyone that can carry the load, really all I have is providence and somehow I just keep getting by....I am confident that you will too.

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I’m so glad that you’re able to get by and I’m betting that will continue for you. 🧡

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Jul 21Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

Oh, I feel this. I quit, too, six months ago. I had a vague vision of building my business. Looking back, I could have taken a much more prepared approach. The last six months have been filled with establishing new habits, learning to do a whole bunch of new things, wrestling with new ways of being responsible for myself. Stepping away after 18 years also means I've had to work on redefining who I am to myself and my community. I hadn't really expected the impact that would have on me. I've only recently been able to say, "No, I'm not actually there anymore". It's been a lot of internal work, and I'm grateful that I've been able to take the time to work through that and focus on defining what it is that I'm doing next, how to talk about my business. It's been scary.

It's also been great. In the last six months, I've focused on the things that are most important to me, the things that ultimately led to my decision to quit. I'm healthier, have spent time with the people and in the places that matter to me, and am at peace.

I'm glad to have found your Substack and am sending supportive thoughts your way. Here's to you and what's next and here's to us and everyone else who has taken the big leap.

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Hi, Wendee! Wow, we quit nearly around the same time. I, too, could have been more prepared, but I think I would still be there today if I had done it the “smart” way. Isn’t it funny how much leaving a job changes you and helps you grow and causes you to see yourself in a new light? I’m still maneuvering my way through it and slowly figuring it all out. Too slowly, honestly. I thought I’d be a bit further on my journey by now.

I’m so glad that you’ve found your happiness and peace after quitting your job. It’s like a whole new world out there when you’re free. It does wonders for your physical and mental health.

I wish you continued happiness and success with your business. It sounds like you’re on the right track so I think you’re going to soar. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I’m so proud of you for taking that leap! 🧡🧡🧡

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Jul 16Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

Wow! What an inspiring story. It takes a great deal of courage to leave one's comfort zone for the scary unknown. Congratulations on the unfolding of your new story.

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Thank you, Caitlin. It’s still scary, but I’m trudging through one step at a time. 🧡☺️

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Jul 14Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

Go you! Hello all the way from Dublin, checking out your posts now. Keep going, keep going.

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Oh, wow! Hello! Thank you for being here. 🧡☺️

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Good on you for quitting and wanting to pursue something that actually makes you happy. Life is too short to be stuck in a job you don't like or stuck in a situation that isn't bringing you joy or fulfilment. I quit my corporate job last year to focus on my writing and art. I'm still figuring things out but I'm much happier now than I was last year.

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Congrats on leaving your job. I’m still figuring things out as well. It’s hard. But, like you, it’s a newfound happiness for me too. I’m broke, but I’m happy. xo

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Jul 10Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

Have you thought about creating oracle cards? It’s just your images speak very deeply. Intuitive people could hear a lot for your art. Just a thought… I don’t know much about how you’d go about doing it tho.

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No, I’ve never thought of making oracle cards. A couple people have suggested it though so maybe it’s something I should look into. :)

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Jul 9Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

I had happy tears in my eyes reading this. I'm so happy for you, and hope the days just keep affirming the joy you've chosen. <3

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That’s so sweet, Esther. Thank you. It has been a tough journey so far, but I’m determined to stick with it. xo

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Jul 5Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

I admire your courage to quit. I’ve been contemplating looking for a different job for a while and just when I feel like I’m strong enough to do it, I talk myself out of it for one reason or another and stay where I’m comfortable if not all that happy. Good for you letting go and taking the leap!

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Hi, Tina. I think it’s great that you’re being cautious. It’s true what they say - the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. But…what if it is? It might be worth looking into, especially if you’re not happy at your current job. It doesn’t hurt to just look and maybe have a couple interviews. ☺️🧡

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Jul 1Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

So powerful to read, thank you for sharing. I left my employed job nearly two years ago and it took me years to realise I needed to step away. It's scary, but I think even scarier to stay in a job that doesn't feel right... Rooting for you! 💖

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I knew from year two that I wanted to leave. I wish I would have been brave enough to leave then instead of waiting 10 more years. How does it feel, now that it’s been two years since you left your job?

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Jul 2Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

it’s the best thing I ever did. Managing my nervous system through the uncertainty and reminding myself there will be ebbs and flows has been the hardest part, but a real good learning

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That’s the hardest part for me, too. I’m still learning to ride the waves of it all.

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Jul 1Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

Thanks for sharing your vulnerability! I am still working my 9-5 while trying to pursue my passion for art. Thanks for inspiring me today.

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Hi, Alyssa! I’m wishing you the very best in pursuing your artistic endeavors! 🧡☺️

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Jun 16Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

You are a hero for standing up for what you believe in. I applauded you when you left because of the 93 yr old's mistreatment. Oh my heart ached. The unknown is so scary and I'm glad your smile is back. I adore the support your husband is giving you.

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Oh my gosh, it was so awful. I could not believe the words that came out of his mouth. I was disgusted. Yes, the unknown is really scary, but I’m trying to hang on to hope. My hubby is the best thing ever. ☺️

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Jun 12Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

I’m so glad I discovered you today, Melissa! Brava!!!

I’m finally making art and writing after a torturous 40+ year career that ended with me on disability. Working a hell-career wreaks havoc on the body and the mind.

I’m a year into it and feel the same doubts you do, but we’re just getting started. It’s okay, the doubts will pass.

You are saving your own life, and your husband sounds like an absolute rock. I see you succeeding!!!

I’m going now to look for your Instagram profile, hoping I find it!

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Hi, Leslee! I’m glad that you are able to make art and write now. I wish you could have started long ago - minus the disability from your job. You’re right, our careers can take a toll on us physically and mentally. It’s exhausting in every way.

I’m crossing my fingers that the doubts are just temporary. :)

Oh yes, my husband is my rock and my best friend.

On IG, I’m the same as here, the sleepy wildflower. xo

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Jun 11Liked by The Sleepy Wildflower

Really feeling inspired to read your story here! It's amazing. You are amazing! ❤️

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Thank you so much! :)

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Good for you! It’s terrible when a few bad apples ruin the place. Better to protect your peace and pursue your passion. After many years working as an Attorney, I’ve lessened my load and am going all-in on my writing (fiction and non-fiction), art, music, and video production.

So I absolutely love to see you taking a stand, honoring yourself, and going for it too! You got this. I’m rooting for you!

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It’s usually the bad apples and rarely the tree itself lol. Oh yes, I’ve learned how valuable my peace is and am doing my best to baby it. I’m so proud of you for going after your passions! We have a lot of the same interests. I’m rooting for you as well! xoxo

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